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Creating captivating "video book trailers" | Phil Gerbyshak

Writer's picture: Roger Courville, CSPRoger Courville, CSP

Seriously...if the average human attention span competes with that of a goldfish, what do you do when it comes to marketing your book?

The good news is that if you know what a movie trailer accomplishes for a movie, you'll know what Phil Gerbyshak is going to help you do.

Just a few of his accomplishments include having written seven books himself, published more than 3000 articles, been quoted in Wall Street Journal, Financial Times, and Investors Business Daily, and appeared on the covers of Speaker magazine and Marketing, Media, & Money magazine.

In this episode of #ThoughtLeaderConversations, V2's Head of Strategy Roger Courville, CSP interviews Phil about a new book he co-authored guessed it, video book trailers.


Sponsor: V2, LLC, expert virtual and hybrid event production,  

Host: Roger Courville, CSP,   



[00:00:00] Roger Courville, CSP: Seriously, if the average human attention span competes with that of a goldfish, Houston, we have a problem. Hey, well, uh, hello and welcome. My name is Roger Courville and welcome to what we're going to chat about today, a new book about captivating video book trailers. And my not so creative way of titling this little podcast episode is just exactly that.

Welcome to another episode of. Thought Leader Conversations sponsored by the crew at Virtual Venues who will work with you on very specific Virtual event, kind of use cases and help you meet your goals by taking the tech stuff off of your plate. But we're not here to talk about virtual venues. Uh, today's guest is somebody that I've known for a long time, and I love this guy.

But just catch a few of these stats. We're going to talk about his new book, but he's written seven books. He's written 3, 000 articles. He's been quoted in everything from the Wall Street Journal to the Financial Times, been on covers of magazines like Speaker Magazine and Marketing Media and Money Magazine.

Welcome, Phil Gerbyshek.

[00:01:07] Phil Gerbyshak: Hey, Raj. How are you? It's great to see you, buddy.

[00:01:10] Roger Courville, CSP: Helps if I push the button. Yeah, you know, it is great to see you. Um, it's been I don't know. It's been way too long. So

[00:01:19] Phil Gerbyshak: it always is

[00:01:20] Roger Courville, CSP: filling the blank gaps here. What, what else should we know about you with regard to the nature of what we're going to talk about today?

[00:01:28] Phil Gerbyshak: Well, I'm doing some work with my buddy Chuck Gallagher over at Primo Primo productions. And I told Chuck, I'm like, you know, I've got a video book trailer. And it's really helped me sell my book. And he's like, Hey, we do video book trailers. So we should, you and I should write a book about video book trailers.

And I said, well, what the heck let's do it. So here we are.

[00:01:47] Roger Courville, CSP: That's great. Well, let's just, I mean, I think the name pretty clear, but just so that we're, we're on the same page. How do you define video book trailers? Put a, put a, put a little packaging around that.

[00:02:03] Phil Gerbyshak: Well, if we think about a movie has a trailer, it's kind of got the highlights, but doesn't give away the whole plot.

It gives away just enough, like a sample at Costco. that says, Ooh, I want a little more, or you know what? This is not for me. I don't like it so much. So a video book trailer gives us one to two minutes, maybe three minutes, even of that sample at Costco so that we can say whether or not we love a book or not, and that we're going to buy a book or not.

And I got to tell you because attention spans are short, Video book trailers are the fastest way to get people's attention and the best way to sell your book. Other than if you could actually do a speaking event, right? If that's, that's number one, let's be really clear, but this is, this is a close second.

[00:02:48] Roger Courville, CSP: That is awesome. Well, um, let's, let's put your deep experience in sales and marketing. Um, let's, let's just, let's bring this down in a real pragmatic way for whoever might be, might be listening. Let's talk about. the anatomy of it. Let's get to the anatomy of a video book trailer and what goes into it. But maybe let's even begin with the why.

I mean, that's, that's the attention span problem. The, the noise problem in terms of, of getting something out. I mean, a book is not a huge, Dollar ticket item. So you need something that cuts through attention cuts, cuts through the attention problem. Um, yeah. Tell me a little more. What is the kinda the market sense of, of how you package and position?

[00:03:38] Phil Gerbyshak: Well, first, your book has gotta be a book that is worth reading. Let's be really clear. Some people write books, they just say, well, I've gotta write a book. But if you write a book worth reading and you know who your target audience is, who are you writing the book for? A video book trailer is pretty simple.

It's really an intro. It's an ending and then a bunch of good stuff in the middle. And how does this work? Well, again, it's that whole sample mentality, but it grabs people's attention. If you're on a normal book page, it's got a flat picture of a book. It's got some lines of text. It's got maybe a testimonial or two, and it's okay.

But really, if you could do better, if you could make it pop off the page, right? Because I've got hundreds of books behind me. None of those books, I mean, people might be looking like, Ooh, I see one that I recognize, and ooh, my favorite color is orange, so therefore I see that color, and that's nice. But this is, you can't judge a book by a cover, but you can often judge a book by its video book trailer.

So that's why you need this. It gives people that chance to judge your book. Before they even buy it. And really, again, it gives them a chance to see what other peoples have said about the book. And if you do this right, it gives people a preview of the book without giving away all the guts of the book.

[00:04:57] Roger Courville, CSP: Uh, and just so you know, if you're listening, uh, we are going to play one of Phil's book trailers here after, you know, when it kinda makes sense in the, in the course of the conversation, you can see exactly what, what it, um, what it does. One of the things that I loved about yours. Phil was, uh, unlike just putting one up on YouTube, which I'm sure probably is, is just fine.

You actually had yours embedded into a, into a particular web page that offered a few other features like, uh, Hey, hit this button to comment or respond. And yeah, you know, that's, that's a, that's a useful tactic. Let's take advantage of of embedding a button that says click to go to your favorite book,

[00:05:40] Phil Gerbyshak: to buy the

[00:05:40] Roger Courville, CSP: book,

[00:05:42] Phil Gerbyshak: right?

I mean, that's really what the goal is. That's why we're doing this, right? I mean, I'm not doing this because video book trailers are fun. I'm doing them because they're profitable. Right. And they help. And I can tell you it helps aid in reviews as well, because people see that. And they're like, Ooh, people aren't afraid to review the book.

So I can put it on Amazon. I can put it on my website. I can put it on YouTube. I can put it on LinkedIn. I can put it on Facebook, right? I can use it in a lot of different ways. And really that's the other key, Roger, is it isn't just a flat book trailer. It isn't just a video that I can share with my friends.

You have to be brave enough to share this with everybody that you know across your socials multiple times. And I got to tell you, Rog, that's something I know that I need to work on because I can, you can always share it. more frequently, not telling you to share it every day, but maybe once or twice a week would be okay.

Knowing again, as a marketing guy that five to 10 percent of people only ever see each post you do. I mean, Raj, we're dear friends and I don't see everything you post. And I know you don't see everything I post and it's not because I'm not interested. It's because if it isn't in the feed, It doesn't get seen, so we have to make sure that it gets in the feed more.

[00:06:57] Roger Courville, CSP: Right. Yeah, I know that's one of the, the, one of the sad little realities with the socials. Right. I don't know, 4, 000 connections or something on LinkedIn and I post something and it gets seen by 83 people or something. Right,

[00:07:11] Phil Gerbyshak: what the heck, right? But that's opportunity to repeat yourself. Right. And repetition is a key component of marketing.

Repeat, repeat, repeat. Repeat, repeat, even if people watch it once or twice, if it's good enough to be seen once, it's probably good enough to be seen a couple of times. And eventually, if people watch it a few times, hopefully they're going to click that button and buy the book.

[00:07:34] Roger Courville, CSP: So let's talk about the anatomy of a captivating video book trailer.

What are the core elements that we've got to really nail? Well,

[00:07:45] Phil Gerbyshak: first we've got to have a story, a through line that tells the story beyond just the book, right? What's the through line of this? Is it the chapters of the book? That could be a through line. Is it the different actions that people can take throughout the book?

That's one. It could be any of that. So let's start at the beginning though. Bang. Let's get people's attention. How do we do that first? And then bang at the end, how do we get them to take action? Bang. In between there, we tell that story. Now, it isn't just Phil saying, Hey, Roger, you should buy my book. It's really good.

No, it's got a little bit of sneak peek of the cover of the book. It's got a little sneak peek of what other people have said about the book. It's got a sneak peek of what people have done as a result of the book, or wish they'd done as a result of the book, right? It's got all of that put together with some testimonials.

and a little bit of story, a little bit of preview of the book so that they can get just enough that they want to buy the book. Now, all of that, right? You want to storyboard that out. This is not just magic where I just take my camera. This is not a one shot, one trick pony. You have to take the time to edit this very carefully and remove all the error so that each piece of this video book trailer is super polished and super powerful.

[00:09:08] Roger Courville, CSP: Recommended length. I know you've before you did one

[00:09:12] Phil Gerbyshak: 180. Yeah, one to three minutes, right? 120 to 180. Now that being said, if you can add a little bit more music so that people get excited, it's a little more theatrical. You could maybe go up to four minutes, but most of us can't make theatrical productions.

It's one of the reasons why I love working with Primo Productions is they can make it theatrical. But I will tell you, They're gonna make it even shorter than my book trailer is, you know, because they want it to be even more powerful Because the goal is not to get people to even watch the book trailer The goal is to get people to buy your book.

[00:09:52] Roger Courville, CSP: Just out of curiosity what, um, in fact if you are Most people listen to this podcast rather than watch visually. So, um, we'll, we'll play yours toward the end and they'll just have to listen if they're not actually watching. But that said, I've put a link up on, um, on the visual here, if you want to train your eye and Phil, I know you both, you said you both sell it on Amazon.

Yeah. Somebody can get it for free. What's your strategy there?

[00:10:23] Phil Gerbyshak: Well, the strategy is I'd love to talk more with you. If I sell it on Amazon, I get, uh, I think Amazon gives me 70 percent of 4. 99. So that's like three bucks. Let's call it three bucks. Okay. That's nice. But three bucks is not even going to buy me barely a cup of coffee at Starbucks.

Instead, I'd love to further the conversation. I'd love for you to download it at bit. ly bit. ly slash video book trailers, PG for Phil Gerbashack. I'd love for you to do that so we can continue the conversation so that you can get an email from me with the link, and then you can get some followup emails about video book trailers so that you can get some more information.

Maybe that's some of the examples that we use in the book. Maybe that's my video book trailer, right? Any of those. some features on how to further market it, because honestly, a book is out of date almost the second it's printed. So I can give you some up to date information as we find stats, right? I mean, it's just the truth.

So that's why we're doing it that way.

[00:11:26] Roger Courville, CSP: Nice. Yeah, and one of the things I appreciated in there, um, were, were the, uh, QR codes. Yeah. For, to, to go see some samples. So, to me, that's, that's probably worth the price of admission right there, particularly given it's free if they, if they get it at your website.

Um, importantly, because you can just, you'll see that there are different ways to approach this. And, and part of what I'm sure Phil and Chuck, you know, are going to coach you on is, is how to bring out that which is your essence, right? Um, do you know AJ Kutz at, uh, Storytellers, right? So I mean, using her as an analogy, right?

She says, it's not just a headshot, it's a story and, and she's killer at bringing out What is interesting or unique about you and what you want to portray? And, uh, I think that's what I saw in the, uh, in those, the book trailers that I watched.

[00:12:34] Phil Gerbyshak: Good. Yeah, that's the, that is absolutely the goal, right? I want to bring out the essence of you.

And that's just your book. I want you to come to life so that people get ahold of you because here's a nice benefit of a video book trailer is they might even hire you to speak or to be on their podcast or to do a, do some work with them just as a direct result of seeing your video book trailer, which is why.

It's worth the investment to make this happen with a professional.

[00:13:03] Roger Courville, CSP: Yeah. I, well, uh, of the books that I've written and I, I'd never heard of when I was writing books, it's been a few years since I've written one, but I'd never heard of something like a video book trailer. And personally, That would have been my motivation.

And I'll tell you why the, when I, I mean, I was quite fortunate that my first book sold really well because it was like the second book on webinars ever in the whole, in the whole world. Uh, and it did really well for me, but I'll say this. I have enough of a marketing background to know that. Particularly with a specialized topic that I'm not going to sell enough books to make enough money to make it, make it a thing, right?

I'll give away books so that I can get to speaking engagement because that's where, that's where that, uh, that deep learning happens. That's where the dollar is. Anyway, yeah.

[00:13:59] Phil Gerbyshak: Well, that's where the dollars happen, right? Let's be honest, right? If you're going to spend 2, 000, 3, 000 on a video book trailer, You need to get that money back.

And how do you get that back? It's not by selling one book. It's by people hiring you to speak. It's by people hiring you to coach. It's by people hiring you to facilitate. That's how you make your money back.

[00:14:17] Roger Courville, CSP: You know, one of the things that I, uh, I actually figured out, actually my accountant figured out, was that speaking and writing combination got taxed differently.

Right. One is a service and one is a product and they got taxed differently with regard to I forget if it was self employment tax or whatever like that. So I just started packaging books into every speaking gig and people love getting a book at a speaking gig, right? They,

[00:14:45] Phil Gerbyshak: yeah.

[00:14:46] Roger Courville, CSP: Um, if there's, I don't personally go to sell books.

I go because I want to help people. Meaning I want everybody in the audience to have a copy of the book, but a video book trailer would have been a really unique way to, to bring that entry point, right?

[00:15:01] Phil Gerbyshak: That's right.

[00:15:02] Roger Courville, CSP: Um, that's interesting.

[00:15:04] Phil Gerbyshak: And to get people to actually read the book, right? Let's be clear.

I want, I want people not just to buy the book or get the book, but I want people to actually read the book and then take action on the book. That's the thing that a video book trailer does, is they're like, Ooh, this is so interesting that I should maybe actually open the book as opposed to just spending 20 bucks and buying the book.

[00:15:25] Roger Courville, CSP: Yeah. Talk to me about visual storytelling, right? Because we're taking a medium that is generally in a nonfiction sense, a print medium. And now we want to tell that story visually. I thought that was kind of an interesting way that you approached that in the book. Yeah.

[00:15:44] Phil Gerbyshak: Yeah, so visual storytelling, right, is finding the right imagery.

The right music, visual and audio, audio storytelling, right? We want to have the right music, the right visuals, the right video to actually tell the story, not just the words. Again, what is the meaning and the substance behind the words that we have? It's really important to do that, and really important to have a story that weaves its way through the book, in addition to the way that you weave the book.

So it could be. A bunch of the highlights. It isn't every highlight, it isn't every chapter, but there are certain ones that you want to bring out that tell a better story than others. Take the time to write those down. Think about, huh, what's the imagery that I want to portray with this chapter, with this story?

Who is my audience? What's gonna resonate with them? And then what's the story again? You know, write, write the through line, write the story or have someone write the story for you. Because it isn't the same as writing a book. It's a very different talent, right? It's almost like, uh, It's almost like writing an advertisement, only not really an advertisement, right?

It's really meant to be a teaser So, um, but, but, you know, just like in movies, the person who produces and directs the movie often is not the person who produces and directs the trailer. Certainly it's their stuff, but it's shorter, snappier, right? And that storytelling is much more punchy than it is in the book because you don't have the time to read a whole chapter of the book.

You don't have the time. to go into great depth. So you have to be quicker, snappy, punchy, right? And that's what visual storytelling gets you.

[00:17:35] Roger Courville, CSP: Yeah. Uh, and I appreciated your, your script writing tips as well. Though I will say this when I, you know, a bunch of years ago when explainer videos were kind of a hot, a hot trend, I bought and read a couple of books on, you know, by a couple of the leading you know, thinkers at the time about explainer videos.

And there's a deep level of psychology that goes into the process of what you're talking about. How do we get them from point A to point B? What's that through line? But how do there's a very specific way to approach that, that I thought was, that was very interesting. And to your point, it's very different than writing a book.

[00:18:15] Phil Gerbyshak: Yeah. Yeah. It's much more, it's much more psychological. Writing a book is, is much more academic. So you have to understand the psychology of people. What gets them to be interested? What gets them to go? And not to mention you're popping between idea, like every three to four seconds. As opposed to in a book, you could write a chapter that's 10 or 12 pages long, that might take somebody half an hour, and if it's really deep, could take them a lot longer than that.

I mean, I'm talking to a guy on my show that is like the father of modern emotional intelligence. He wrote a dummy's book that's probably, you know, that I'm gonna devour, but I'm still not gonna understand it, right? That's the thing. And I wish he had a video book trailer for that book, because that would help me a lot.

[00:19:03] Roger Courville, CSP: You know, one of the things that I loved about yours, and the one that we'll play here in a moment, was how you used your own advice with regard to one of the things that you put in the book about incorporating feedback. Curious. How did you go about getting those testimonials? Let's be practical on that.

How did you contact, shoot the little, the little video? Were they just sitting in front of their webcam?

[00:19:33] Phil Gerbyshak: Yeah, some, some were right in front of their webcam, some were on their phone, right? But practically, let's start with ask, the ask. The ask was very specific. Hey, Scott Lesnick, You said you liked this chapter of the book.

Would you give me a testimonial on this chapter of the book? Hey, Anne Bonny, you had some suggestions for me. Would you shoot that as a testimonial? And with Anne, actually, we did zoom and I just turned off my camera and I put just her on camera and I recorded that way. Right. And then I gave it to the editor and they edited it out.

So that was the, and, and then, um, I remember to follow up with a thank you for the book because they'd already bought the book. Let's be really clear. They'd already bought the book. So that feedback was kind of post the book. But I will tell you if somebody had shared something in their feedback in that video that they said, Hey, you know what, this resonated with me and I wish you'd have gone deeper.

I probably would have rewrote that chapter and made it go even deeper. Taking feedback, really important. Might not have changed the book trailer, but it certainly might have changed the book.

[00:20:44] Roger Courville, CSP: Interesting. What, what questions should someone be asking? In terms of, uh, in terms of, they potentially are interested in doing a video book trailer.

They talk to you or Chuck. What are the right questions to ask? What are, what people, what should people ask that they don't typically ask?

[00:21:05] Phil Gerbyshak: Well, first, they should ask to see some other book trailers. They should want to see that those book trailers feel like them. Not that they're, because honestly, results is different, right?

Some people could say that a book trailer sold an extra 500 or 1000 books. That's nice. Some people could say, you know what? This has helped me land several speaking engagements. That's great. But honestly, it could make you feel good about the fact that you wrote a book. So figure out how does this feel?

How does this feel? And then maybe ask for the contact information, the people that did that so they can talk to you about the process. Maybe it's too painful for you and you don't want to do it. maybe you just want to push it all in the center and you just want to give it all up. So you got to find someone.

How is your, what's your process? How do you do this? How many edits, how many rewrites are you able to do? Now the word unlimited, some people say unlimited, but what does unlimited really mean? It means until I get sick of working with you. Let's be honest, right? Cause at some point, I'm going to get sick of working with you.

You're going to get sick of working with me and we're just going to give up. So I want to hear how many rewrites do you do? before you even give me the first draft. Really important. So those are some of the questions that I would ask. And then again, right with those samples, can I talk to the people that shot those book trailers?

Can I talk to those people? So we purposely in the book did not include my book trailer. We use three that had worked with Chuck before, because Chuck is the expert. Chuck and the team at Primo are the experts, right? I know how important they are, but they're the ones that write the script. They're the ones that shoot the videos.

You could even come in. That's the cool thing is you could even come into the studio in Greenville, South Carolina, if you wanted to, and you could bring people in, have them do that, or. We could just interview them for you and do that as well. So find out how much of the work you have to do as the author and how much of the work do you want to do?

So have that conversation. Those are the important questions that I would be asking.

[00:23:17] Roger Courville, CSP: Sweet. Well, set up, um, So the video book trailer we're about to watch is not the one for the ebook that we're talking about right here. It's for a different one of Phil's books. Set this up. What should we, what should we be looking for?

[00:23:33] Phil Gerbyshak: So the title of the book is zero dollar consultancy. So check, can you see the book? Can you see the cover of the book? That seems pretty obvious, right? Can you see the book? That's the first question. Two, Is everything clear? Like does it make sense to you as you're listening, as you're watching it? And then three, I would ask you, what energy do you get from the book?

What energy do you get from the book? And I'm not gonna tell you what energy I was going for. We'll talk about that after the fact. But Roger, let's watch the, let's watch the, and listen to the trailer.

[00:24:08] Roger Courville, CSP: Here we go.

[00:24:48] none: I really wish that I had zero dollar consultancy when I started my business. Boy, do I wish I had his book back then. I wish I had this book when I first started my business. How to capture referrals. You know, especially in my business, if I've got referrals from people who already like the work that I'm doing and they're telling me they're, why didn't I know that from the beginning, , if I had known that from the beginning, that would've been a whole lot easier.

Just the chapter on the free tools is worth the price of the book. In fact, there's a couple I hadn't heard of that I'm looking at right now. What's the big takeaway of this for you as a business owner? If you want to understand how to leverage your network today, it's just an ask away. When you ask people who are passionate about what you do, and who care about their network, they're happy to connect like minded people together.

They understand that they can bring value to their network by you. bringing these chains that much closer. So go ahead, take a look at your network, because it's not who you know, but it's who you know knows that could impact your business. Asking for testimonials. That's something I can do a better job at.

And I do know that those are gold, but sometimes I'm a little apprehensive to ask for them. I'm not going to be anymore because I know how important those are. So feel free to check. Thank you. This is, uh, this is quite a good book. It was enlightening and it showed me some things that I can definitely do better.

[00:26:33] Roger Courville, CSP: Sweet.

[00:26:34] Phil Gerbyshak: Wow. Wow. That's, that's pretty good.

[00:26:37] Roger Courville, CSP: Kind of like you don't know what you're talking about or something.

[00:26:41] Phil Gerbyshak: Maybe, right? Maybe. So, so think about Roger, what kind of energy did you get from that?

[00:26:47] Roger Courville, CSP: Well, you know, I'm here in my studio and, uh, I'm kind of a sound geek. You can tell by the guitars hanging on the wall behind me and whatever.

And, and Uh, so I've got a THX, um, pretty high quality audio system with subwoofer and it was thumping. I love it.

[00:27:05] Phil Gerbyshak: That's great, man. That's what I love to hear. Right. And I think it's something different for everybody. The sound quality I think is super important. You want to make sure that it's clear and I, I would, I, my goal with the energy was to get some of my energy, right?

I'm a high impact, kind of high energy kind of guy. Are those testimonials? Are they high energy too? Is the music? bopping in your ear a little bit, right? Are you kind of bopping along? Are you playing in your chair? Right? That's the goal. That's what I was trying to get. And then, yeah, if you buy the book, that's cool.

But if nothing else, you see that now, of course, right. I would make some changes after I've seen it a hundred thousand times. I would change, right. I would put a little bit more of who I am. The fact that I do speaking, the fact that I do training, the fact that I do facilitation, I would probably add that in there.

If I'm looking to sell more of me. But for selling the book, this, I'm very happy with the trailer.

[00:27:58] Roger Courville, CSP: Yeah, well, and number one, Amazon bestseller. So yeah,

[00:28:06] Phil Gerbyshak: it worked. Yeah. 35, 35 reviews. Great. Yeah. Great testimonials and a great thing that will live on. Long after the book is gone.

[00:28:18] Roger Courville, CSP: Phil, what question should I have asked you that I have not asked you?

[00:28:25] Phil Gerbyshak: Well, we didn't talk too much about price, right? Because I think price is an important question. How much should you invest in a book trailer? Well, you kind of get what you pay for. You can find them on Fiverr for probably 500 bucks. You could find them super high end for probably 10, 000. I would probably look to spend somewhere between 000 on a book trailer.

That would be a question that I would've asked.

[00:28:52] Roger Courville, CSP: Well, I, I actually, I thought about that and then I thought, you know what? I think I won't, I'll let you bring it up, . True, true story. And, uh, here's why. Because I, you know, I was, I mentioned earlier the, uh, my investigation into explainer videos and at the time as part of Software Association of Oregon.

And, and, uh, one of the main sponsors of our, of our association events was a, was an agency. And they were going for 20 grand, a pop for explainer, you know, one and a half, 92nd explainer video. And I realized. that you get what you pay for, right? Because it wasn't that long after that that there was, like, software out there that would let you move a few cartoon characters around and and, um, and it just, I tried it, it just wasn't I just didn't have the chops um, and it, for me, I realized that it was a bit like changing the oil in my car.

Do I have the skill? Can I do it? Yes. Does it make sense? I can go to Oil Cane Henry's and for 30 bucks later, I'm, I'm out the door. No, my time was worth more than my money. The one other thing that came to mind with me with regard to thinking about, uh, this kind of an investment would be relative to the, the expected impact that you have with regard to the book, right?

Is this a book about the next election and it's going to be on the show for eight months and then it's done? Or is this a book that has some staying power and you're going to use this book for the next bunch of years? And you know, that, that to me could be, make all the difference. So.

[00:30:38] Phil Gerbyshak: Yeah, absolutely.

Asking yourself what the goals are for your book for me would determine whether or not I want to invest in a book trailer. Absolutely. My book is something that I'm very proud of, right? My 0 consultancy, great book, I think, because it is all the stuff to get started in your consulting business. That's probably not going to change a whole lot over the next three to five years.

It's not meant to. right? It's not meant to change. That being said, if it does, I might have to do a completely new edition, but you'll see that the book though, it will always take you to the Amazon link. So that is something else, right? If you can get them to include the buy book, the buy button there, that's another thing that you should ask about.

[00:31:25] Roger Courville, CSP: Yeah, that's one of the things that I appreciated about that example that you sent because it because unlike a YouTube video where I have, I'm hoping that they go physically type something into their search bar at Amazon. There's a very direct call to action that, uh, that was enabled right there. Well, Phil, I really appreciate you taking a little time on your Monday morning here and, and, uh, yeah.

Providing some enlightenment, I think I know one of the challenges that people have with with book marketing in general is that, that I need to move books one way or another. I need to move books, whether it's to make money from the book or make money from the other things like speaking, training, consulting, consulting that might fall out of that.

But either way, I need to move books. And um, And I just, to the point that you made at the top of the show, being able to do something like this relative to just a flat page on your website, pretty potent.

[00:32:32] Phil Gerbyshak: Thanks. Yeah, I think so too. I think so too. And again, you can send this along to the people that are in charge of the event so that they can see whether or not they really want books.

You know, that's the thing. It is not just a, a book trailer. It's a decision trailer. It can help people make decisions. So I absolutely encourage folks. If you're thinking about it, make the investment, you know, make it happen whether you work with us at Primo or whether you work somewhere else. I mean, I, I absolutely recommend that you do a video book trailer.

[00:33:05] Roger Courville, CSP: Phil, tell us again how to get the book for free.

[00:33:07] Phil Gerbyshak: Sure. If you go to B I T period, L Y slash video book, booktrailers. com PG, that's all in lowercase, that's B I T dot L Y slash video book trailers, P G. That'll get you right to the book for free. Or if you want to spend five bucks, feel free to go to Amazon and look for the book.

Just search for my last name, Herbishack.

[00:33:34] Roger Courville, CSP: Well, uh, Phil, thank you for taking a little bit of time and, um, I hope people do come get your book because I know I've known the work that you put out for a lot of years and, and it's just, it's great. It's a delight to have you on the show. I appreciate you taking the time.

And we will have, Phil will probably be back on the show at some point in time. So keep an eye out there if, if you're curious. Thank you again for, to our sponsor today, Virtual Venues, where you can instantly scale your virtual and hybrid event production team. And we will catch you on the next episode of Thought Leader Conversations.


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