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The Ultimate Guide to Networking for Virtual Events using Hopin | Danika McIntire, Program Manager

Writer's picture: Roger Courville, CSPRoger Courville, CSP

Part of the power of virtual event platforms like Hopin isn’t JUST connecting users to a rich selection of content choices – it’s connecting them to each other, peer to peer, in a community experience.

But what are your options? What are the pitfalls? How can you encourage attendees to get the most out of the experience?

In this interview, V2's "ultimate guide to Hopin" Danika McIntire talks about what the little things that make a big difference in virtual events, conferences, and even internal employee events.

  • How can Hopin's networking feature be used to create a sense of community among attendees?

  • How does Hopin's networking feature work...tactically?

  • How is networking in a virtual event platform different than a typical webinar software?

  • What are some tips for attendees who want to get the most out of Hopin's networking feature?

  • How else can you network in Hopin?

  • ...and more,.

Of course, she and host Roger Courville trade plenty of stories, too!


Series: #ThoughtLeaderConversations   Sponsor: V2, LLC, expert virtual and hybrid event production,   Host: Roger Courville, CSP,   

Keywords:   #virtualevents #hopin #communityexperiences


Unedited transcript

[00:00:00] Roger Courville, CSP: Part of the power of a virtual event platform like Hopin isn't just connecting users to a rich selection of content choices. It's connecting them to each other. Peer to peer. I. But what are your options? What are the pitfalls and how can you encourage attendees to get the most out of the experience?

Well, hello and welcome to The Ultimate Guide for a Networking for Virtual Events using hopin. I think I almost said that right. My name is Roger Courville and we're a Keeping It Real Crew here at virtual venues. Welcome to another episode of Thought Leader Conversations where you can instantly scale your virtual and hybrid event production team with this blue chip crew who will help you achieve excellence and results.

By helping you focus on something other than tech. But we're here to talk about the kinds of things that will help you get where you want to go. With me today is actually one of our crew, Danni m McIntyre, program manager here at Virtual venues, and she is the ultimate guide to top and in general and, uh, our resident expert, including what we're here to talk about today, which isn't the whole thing, it's just talking about the networking feature or the ways that you can help.

Peer-to-peer connections to increase engagement and, uh, and people sticking around to enjoy your stuff. Welcome, Danica.

[00:01:16] Danika McIntire: Thank you. Glad to be

[00:01:17] Roger Courville, CSP: here. Well, so glad you took a little bit of time. I know you're busy, so fill in a couple gaps. Let's start by just telling us a little bit about what you do here and, uh, maybe something we should know about you.

[00:01:30] Danika McIntire: Absolutely. Yes. As Roger mentioned, I'm part of the team here at virtual venues. Um, I do have a background in marketing, which has, you know, helped out in the hopin situation. Um, and, and you know, diving into virtual events a little bit deeper, I. Um, hopin is a platform that we specialize here in at V two as a certified partner agency.

Um, my favorite part of it though, is really working with the clients and the relational aspect and just turning their vision or their objective into something that, uh, attendees are excited about attending. Mm.

[00:02:05] Roger Courville, CSP: That sounds like a great place to start. In fact, starting at the start, what. Is just in case somebody hasn't seen something like this because they've used Zoom or something like that.

What is Hopkins networking feature?

[00:02:21] Danika McIntire: Certainly, yeah. There's. There's several different rooms as part of Hopin. Um, you can dig into it a little bit deeper with content or, you know, learning from sponsors. But the biggest, most, I think, useful feature of hopin is that networking room. And you can jump in, you can be randomly assigned to meeting other people within the platform.

Um, and then you can tailor it down as far as you want as an admin to meet up with people of similar interests. Um, so you can kind of tailor it in that aspect where it's very, very defined and refined that people meet with others, um, that they're closely connected to geographically or within the same industry or just as a randomized, um, networking tool so that people can get more acquainted with, with the platform itself and the people that are attending the, the conference or the event.

[00:03:18] Roger Courville, CSP: So let me reflect that back to you and make sure I understood what you're just. What you're just saying, people can go into this networking room and either be randomly matched with somebody else at the conference and they meet somebody like bumping into them at the hall, or you as an admin can set it up so that there is some rules or parameters around who they meet or how they meet.

[00:03:43] Danika McIntire: That's exactly correct. Yes.

[00:03:47] Roger Courville, CSP: Tell me a little more what happens. Two or four. An attendee when they join a networking session and they get, they drop into meeting someone.

[00:03:58] Danika McIntire: Absolutely. Yeah. So they have the option to join on camera or not. Um, it's advisable that they do join on camera just 'cause you can have a more connected conversation that way.

Um, otherwise if they're enjoying their conversation, they can either extend it to meet for a longer period of time, um, and or even share their virtual business card with someone else. Um, giving them the opportunity to follow up with some of their connections later.

[00:04:25] Roger Courville, CSP: You mentioned a couple, a couple things right there.

Uh, how much is there a default amount of time and can you set the amount of time that each little networking session

[00:04:35] Danika McIntire: has? Absolutely. As a whole, you can set it, you know, anywhere from like three to five minutes, um, for every interaction. Um, just to give people enough to get their conversation started and enough, you know, context for them to meet one another and, and, you know, Get a little buy-in from the other side and then they can take their conversation offline

[00:04:58] Roger Courville, CSP: and assuming that conversation's going great, there's a little button that both attendees have that says, extend the session.

Is there a default amount of time that that extends? That adds on?

[00:05:10] Danika McIntire: I believe it's 30 seconds. I think you can extend it twice. Um, something of that nature. And then, yeah, and then there's that button that I mentioned previously where you can use that, that. Share contact card feature. Um, both parties do have to opt into that to share the, the information both ways.

Um, but it's just a nice feature. It's housed within the Hopin platform, um, beyond the day of the event. So if you wanna go back in and see who it was that you connected to, um, that will, that will exist on your profile rather than the event itself. So it's easier to navigate to.

[00:05:46] Roger Courville, CSP: Before we get to talking about the profile and the nature of, say, building that little contact card, let's just back up to the big picture a little bit.

You just kind of illuminated how, how you can help people meet people and even plan to stay connected after that little, you know, three or five minute session or whatever it is that they're, they're talking for. W Let's talk about just generally the benefits of adding something like networking to your virtual event.

What are the benefits of adding networking to this otherwise full event of keynotes and breakouts and multiple sessions for someone to attend? I.

[00:06:29] Danika McIntire: Absolutely. I, I think everyone has experienced this. When there's buy-in or something to benefit the attendee, there's always better attendance. Um, they stick around longer.

There's more engagement, there's more conversation. All of that adds for a better event. So, you know, adding a plus one or a bonus option, like networking into an event, it always. Beefs up the reason for an attendee to join or be a part of something greater, like an event, um, you know, discussing a certain topic.

So engagement first and foremost is always helpful for, you know, the client to see, but also really exciting as another attendee to see someone else engaging with them and making their experience just that much better.

[00:07:15] Roger Courville, CSP: Yeah, I, here's one way I think about it. I'd be, be curious to know your feedback. So, years ago I was the president of National Speakers Association of Oregon.

And one of my philosophies about just events, uh, events of any type, but of course, you know, oftentimes in-person events too, is that people show up for content but they stay for people. Meaning I don't pay to go to a conference planning on what's gonna happen by chance. Some chance meeting at the, at the water cooler, or as I'm refilling my coffee, I.

But sometimes that's where the cool stuff happens, right? Sometimes that's where I meet somebody. In fact, I remember the last event that I was on that used hopin uh, networking, and I'm on the horn with somebody in Mexico City and turns out it was like a brother from another mother. And it was, it was, uh, and we used the little extend feature and, and it was kind of cool.

So, you know, I think, and in fact I'd be curious about your feedback here. Oftentimes attendees are, What's the word? Enculturated in a world of webinars to think, okay, I'm just gonna sit and passively have somebody info barf over PowerPoint as opposed to going, ah, wait a minute. We can, we can build in breaks, we can build in times when people can meet people and perhaps establish relationship in a way that you get credit for as the event organizer.

Right. Oh, that was a great event and the reason they're saying it was a great event. Was in part because I just met somebody that I, I want to continue to stay in touch with. Just outta curiosity. Have you seen, um, other ways that people have used networking to facilitate those kinds of relationships or those little sparks of connection?


[00:09:08] Danika McIntire: Absolutely. I've seen so on both sides, on the client side, you know, that wanna facilitate those more meaningful discussions. I've seen them, you know, incentivize or do giveaways based on such a thing. You know, encouraging people to spend time in the networking, allocating breaks for that. Um, and then even giving away, you know, a gift card or something at the end based on, you know, certain.

Certain rules and regulations of where the event is happening at the time. On the attendee side, I've seen them, you know, throw their LinkedIn information into the chat or, you know, call out for those who are looking to have those more meaningful discussions, come find them. And it on both ends. I feel like it not only helps the event feel.

You know, bigger and better and more value valuable for the attendee, but it also helps for each attendee have the space to have those more meaningful conversations. Absolutely.

[00:10:05] Roger Courville, CSP: Yeah. I'm a big fan of thinking through user experience and sometimes getting. Beyond the PowerPoint sometimes to something like the networking feature and how do we connect people or maybe even thinking about that user experience beyond the platform itself.

Like i I m MCed a uh, an event last year for a client who hired a DJ who would play some tunes during breaks, actually had a live performance by a guy playing steel drums. And then had somebody else who actually had people like stand up and do stretching and tai chi kind of stuff. I think it was Tai Chi Kai Go.

I, I don't, but it was cool because now people are standing up. They could choose to be on camera or not on camera. Right. And, and I'd realized this is slightly out of the side of the scope of the networking, but when you think about the amount of effort that somebody puts into putting on a virtual event with particularly multiple sessions, If not multiple days, right?

Giving people a little break, giving it a change of pace, uh, encouraging those kinds of peer-to-peer or social interactions that would also benefit your sponsors because now you're, now you've enculturated your audience or given them an experience of what it means to connect with other people as opposed to just sit there and listen while they.

Work on email or something like that, right? So I love this networking feature. Um, but you also, I know, have talked about other ways to get people to connect or network even beyond just that networking feature. Care to share.

[00:11:52] Danika McIntire: Absolutely. Yeah. So the platform itself, as we've mentioned, is designed to have that networking component that is specific to networking.

However, there are additional features that people can get a bit more creative with. Um, there's the ability to find someone who is in the event and online that is, you know, attending and, and, Digging into the content, you can find them by, you know, if they've posted into the chat recently for specific, um, agenda segments.

Or you can find them in the online list of people and click on them either based on their profile, which I can tell you a little bit about in a moment. Mm-hmm. Um, or just. Who they are, and maybe it's a familiar name to you in the industry and you just wanna click and connect. So you can click on that name and it'll pop up and it'll give you the option to schedule a meeting with them.

You can do a video call or you can even, um, click on them and just send them a little. I am a little dmm. Little message right there so you can have a small conversation that's not public to the, to the event itself. The admins don't even know what's happening behind the scenes. It is private to you and that other person.

You can connect with them and, you know, maybe share information that way or, or plan to link up after the conference just on your own accord rather than the randomized functionality of the network feature that is native to the platform. I've done that. Yeah. Yeah, it's

[00:13:18] Roger Courville, CSP: cool. It's, it's very cool. Well, I, I remember an attendee or a fellow attendee, 'cause I was an, an attendee at this particular instance where they cited some research or a statistic, but they didn't cite the source.

I wanted to know what the source was. So I hit that little private chat and, uh, and just went, Hey, Um, and, and it was kind of cool because then I went and looked at their profile and, uh, I don't remember why I didn't connect with them because it didn't, didn't make sense. But that's what we do in person, right?

We look at somebody's name badge, and even if we have a little bit of an interchange, we may or may not continue the dialogue, but at least I have a chance to go, oh, that's so and so, they work someplace, and now I can choose to either press in or not. And that's what we do. In person as part of connecting.

And I love that we can do that here in a way that's deeper than just seeing the username that they've input. Mm-hmm. Like in a typical webinar platform. Absolutely. Talk about. Talk about hopin registration. So we won't go deep into registration, but I specifically the profiling part that you talked about, somebody can create a profile, choose to share or not share their contact card.

Tell a little more

[00:14:35] Danika McIntire: about that. I. Absolutely. So there's a couple of pieces there. Um, I would say registration is kind of from a broader lens, that umbrella lens, you know, up at the 30,000 foot, um, view that everyone's familiar with as you log into any platform out there, you know, webinar or even broader as a virtual event scope like hopin.

They have lots of questions, you know, related to your title, your job, your company, where are you tuning in from? All tailored around the information that the client wants to receive after the event. That information is different from what is in your profile as a hopin user. I. Um, the information that you go in and click into, um, it'll prompt you when you first log in to hop in.

It'll prompt you to add a photo if you'd like. Um, you can also add any social media links, a bio if you please, and all that information is then shareable. To other attendees online or viewable even, um, just by clicking on your name. So it is tailored to the information that you feel like sharing. Um, but I do just wanna make that clear.

If there's information that is being asked of you upon registration that is not. Automatically shared out. Um, so you do have control over what that information is, but that's the profile that's included in that contact card that is shared in that networking feature. That's all Also the information that is, um, viewable by the other attendee that clicks on you within the platform itself.

Um, but all very. Cool and exciting and easy functionality, um, for any attendee to, to kind of click through and add before the event, even into the event. You can modify it at any, any at any point in time, but it's always advisable to do it before the event, so you can just jump right into the content and people know, you know, who's on the call and who's, who's registered for the event.

[00:16:30] Roger Courville, CSP: Let me reflect back to you. Maybe a use case. And I, I think this illustrates that distinction because that's a, that's a great distinction. That's different than a lot of platforms. I, I love what you just said, but let's say I'm, I'm a senior executive, right? I'm a senior VP or a C E O or somebody like this, and I wanna attend the event.

Mm-hmm. You as the, as the meeting organizer or the, the sponsor of the event. Could choose to ask at registration what my title is, right? Because you might want that for your own data research purposes, and you want to know in a sense, the, the title or, or, uh, of the person that, that is attending. But I, as the senior exec, don't have to put c e o in my publicly viewable profile just in case I, for some reason, don't want everybody, just everybody and their brother seeing that.

Okay. That I'm the C A C E O because for whatever reason is, is that fair? Right. Meaning, meaning I can choose what level of disclosure I have with regard to other attendees, which is different than what a, what a meeting organizer might want to gather during registration. Is that

[00:17:46] Danika McIntire: right? Absolutely. Yeah.

And to take that one step further, there are several events that we have speakers who are speaking online, you know, in a virtual sense, like much like this, that will then log onto the platform either before or after their segment and interact with other users and other attendees. Um, and that's another great way to, if your profile's completed, to showcase to those speakers who you are so that you can have those more meaningful conversations as well.

[00:18:16] Roger Courville, CSP: Awesome. Uh, any other aspects of this, of, of either the networking feature or in a sense networking and connecting in general with regard to, are there any other little features that we'd missed in kind of painting that picture?

[00:18:39] Danika McIntire: I don't think so.

[00:18:40] Roger Courville, CSP: Um, I mean, hopping has a lot of other features. We're just kind of limiting the scope there.

[00:18:46] Danika McIntire: You They do, you're right. I guess one thing I would mention, um, and it's more from an admin or meeting organizer standpoint, um, that is somewhat tied to the registration, is in that networking feature, the piece that we were talking about at the beginning, that is native to the platform.

Um, You can assign different ticket types to be part of the, the connection piece. So let's say you have a group of sponsors that are, that are registering and then a group of speakers and you primarily want the sponsors to meet with attendees and speakers to meet with sponsors or whatever that may be.

Whatever that loop looks like, whatever makes the most meaningful conversations for you and your audience, you can then match those ticket types to meet other attendees. With the designated ticket type. So you can have, you know, a speaker, as I mentioned, solely meeting with sponsors and not meeting with other attendees or, you know, of course attendees meeting with just the sponsors or however you wanna work that out.

It's giving that conversation already a leg up because you're filtering out all the noise and giving them the op opportunity to just have those meaningful conversations from from the start. Dang,

[00:19:59] Roger Courville, CSP: that's awesome, and I'm glad you remembered that. Because if I think, okay, that's the feature where we can have different ticket types and maybe we just wanna help the sponsors, you know, connect with attendees.

Well, that's what they're there for, right? And, and so the advantage for you is that you can help design the experience for the various parties based on what their nature or role is and the outcome of which is. If you're selling sponsorships, that should increase the value of you that you can present to your sponsors, um, absolutely by saying, Hey, when we get to the networking, we can make sure that you as a sponsor aren't gonna end up in a networking session with.

Another sponsor or a speaker who's not gonna buy anything from you or, or that kind of thing. So,

[00:20:47] Danika McIntire: yeah, you can often create like a v i P group too. Those that, you know, maybe even paid a little bit more, that you wanna give them a leg up or you wanna give them more of an incentive to do X, Y, and Z.

Networking with speakers only could be an option. You know, just kind of utilizing, utilizing those tools at your fingertips to really promote the event and make it a worthwhile experience for your attendees.

[00:21:10] Roger Courville, CSP: That is a killer idea. Oh, I just equated that to, uh, an event that I worked on about, I don't know, a year, year and a half ago, which was a fundraiser for this, well, I won't name it, but this massive charity organization in New New York City, and well, what do you do in some things like that?

It was. You know, you, you pay for the privilege. You know, one of the things in a sense they're using for fundraising was paying for the privilege of sitting at the table with, uh, you know, with the ency head of state that was there as one of the guest speakers. I won't name, I won't name the country that this person was president of, but, but you're, but somebody's paying for that privilege, so you could.

Create that v i p class, um, ticket and sell it for a higher, you know, if there was a reason. All of that to say you can get creative with how you generate revenue or do fundraising or those kinds of things, which is frequently, besides just offering differing tracks or differing choices in terms of content, right?

You go to a conference and there's two keynotes and seven breakouts and you know, which track or. Speaker breakouts, do I want to go see, I mean, we, we get used to that as a conference, but a lot of those other aspects of conferences, like how do I raise revenue, sponsorships, you know, working with sponsors is a big thing.

How I, how I get a little more sophisticated about ticketing is a big deal. Or to your point, offering, you know, being able to use a feature like that to, to have some creativity and flexibility in terms of how you might design. Uh, an experience that, that enables you to generate more revenue. You've talked about like incentives or those kinds of things A few times, and I know that one of the challenges sometimes that meeting organizers have is either getting people to register or they've registered, but you want 'em to go deeper and fill out more of their profile.

Talk about getting creative around incenting. People to, to show up early, stay late, come or come, uh, before or after the event, which is possible, and hop in. Talk about putting on your promotional or marketing hat to incenting behavior that you want to have happen in your virtual event.

[00:23:42] Danika McIntire: Absolutely. Um, many ways to do this.

Uh, again, the, the tools are just there. It's the creative brain that can fill this space. But, um, there's options around, I mean, without getting too deep into the other features here, within hopin, hopin has a reception page, which is kind of the landing page of the event. Um, and that houses additional information, videos, links.

Whatever you, whatever media you wanna include. And there is a functionality where there's an early access and that's essentially just a soft launch. It just opens the bare bones pieces of the event open to any attendee that wants to click in, learn about the event a little bit more. And let me tell you, as an admin, it's really helpful because you can mitigate any tech issues that the user might be experiencing locally and work through that.

Earlier rather than later. So that's a big bonus for the meeting attendee or a meeting, uh, organizer. Um, but on this reception page, you can include, you know, maybe there's a discount code for something you're promoting or, um, exclusive video content that these people can only see if they choose to log in during this early time.

Um, in addition to what I was talking about with giveaways and whatnot, you know, based on the rules and regulations that you're allowed to do. Um, but there's certainly ways around that and just providing like exclusive media content. To those users, which I know everyone loves a, a limited time offer availability, you know, piece to, to certain events or opportunities.

[00:25:19] Roger Courville, CSP: Just outta curiosity, um, does that, when you open it early, is any form of realtime session available? Meaning if you said, Hey, we're gonna have a meet and greet before the event. Or after, you know, hey, the day after or the two days after, can you do something like that and happen?

[00:25:42] Danika McIntire: Um, it depends on what you're looking for.

Networking is open. So the networking feature we talked about, certainly open, certainly available to do the randomized matching or as I mentioned, clicking on who is registered for the, the event and just. Looking into them, looking into who they are, um, sending them messages, all of that is still available during that time.

Um, there is no content that is shown during that time, so you're not missing it. Um, there isn't an option to do like a, a round table discussion on videos or whatnot. So you're truly not missing anything. Um, you know, that's scheduled. At that time. Um, but you do, yeah. Can come in, pop in, check out the, the space and, and information that's available to you.

You can also set up, I know you were talking about, you know, kind of getting together and you could do that after. The event concludes and promote that maybe before for all those that do see that information. Um, but there isn't, per se, you know, like a session that people can jump into outside of the, the randomized networking feature, which, which I think is one of the cooler parts of, of having the soft launch.

[00:26:59] Roger Courville, CSP: You mentioned the communication emails and maybe here as we kinda work toward a close of our time together, let's talk about that because I think that's a, what you're describing, being able to open early or let 'em stay late, you know, for, for additional networking outside of the, you know, the event time, it's a slightly more complex scenario.

And if I recall, remember correctly, hopin has, um, What's the word I'm looking for? Has extended options with regard to your communication emails, right? I mean, everybody has seen a webinar where you register and you get this confirmation email that says, here's the link and here's a reminder a day before, or something like that.

But you can do more than that and hop in. Rem. Am I remembering correctly?

[00:27:51] Danika McIntire: Yes. So that's a big, big feature that Hopin has, um, with, with their. Emails, um, they have a bunch of templated emails that are available for you to customize and send out to your attendees. Um, or you can go outside that scope and create your very own, um, and send out, you know, manually or even at a scheduled time.

To your point, encouraging them or letting them know that this early access or soft launch of the event is happening. Come check it out. Exclusive content only. That kind of a thing to, you know, connect with those attendees ahead of time. Remind them that, remind them that the event is upcoming, um, and to not miss it.

There's, you know, again, not to get into too many of the features. There's so much good about hopping. I don't wanna spill all the beams yet. Um, but there's a replay, fun functionality so you can alert them that the content will be on demand and, and available later. Um, there are those reminder emails that you mentioned that you can set up for the day before, an hour before.

Um, Along with the list goes on and on many other additional ways to communicate and contact the attendee, um, and make sure that the information is in front of them and making it easy to access the event.

[00:29:08] Roger Courville, CSP: Let me make sure that I just heard you correctly. You've got an event, a bunch of people have already registered.

Obviously you can have those automated ones that you just mentioned, right? That it's gonna go out the day before, the hour before or something like that. But you can actually go into your system and just choose and create an entirely separate email to all everybody that's registered right from within.

Hop in. Yes. Yes you can. Woo. Um, I don't know if people, many people would realize how cool that is. Uh, 'cause you can't do that in. A, a, a big number of webinar platforms, right? You get the automated stuff, maybe you can customize it, but to me that's huge because what if something happens along the way?

It's like, oh, we just got this other big name speaker. Yeah. Don't, you know, I, I want to send out a new notification, uh, whatever that is, being able to, right. Sending out, uh, stuff that happens. Late breaking or as the event is unfolding, particularly because oftentimes we don't think about that because a webinar's an hour and you're done.

But for a, for an event, I mean, an event could be multiple sessions all day. It could be three days. That's what we do in conferences and sometimes there's something else that bubbles up or you want to announce the winner of something or, or don't forget that a deadline for, for putting your name in the hat for the drawing is, or whatever.

So, Danika, thank you for spending a little time with us. Um, just outta curiosity, are there any questions that I should have asked you that I haven't asked?

[00:30:51] Danika McIntire: Oh, man, that's a hard one. I feel like we could talk about Hopin. Its platform, it's functionality. It's. Intrigue all day long. Um, but in terms of networking, just to keep it simple on this topic, I think, I think we've covered it.

Um, you know, any additional questions, thoughts, comments about this, um, type of feature, we can certainly continue the conversation a different day, but I think this gives everyone a little bit of a, a teaser to check out hopin and, and see exactly what it's about.

[00:31:24] Roger Courville, CSP: That's a, that's a great point. And actually, I.

Think we will at some point come back and talk about some other aspect of, of the use case, the very broad, um, of this robust platform that we spend a lot of time in. But if, uh, assuming you're listening here, one of the things that I will say is if you go to virtual, we are a radically accessible crew.

Uh, number one, there's a phone number where you can get a live human being on the horn, edit, you know, any time during reasonable business hours. But you'll even find on the about page, not only pictures of, but contact information for each of our program managers mean because we realize that you having personal contact with someone who's gonna help you.

Own your objective, your dream, your whatever it is that you want to achieve, um, that isn't calling some big telco and going through some. Push a, push a one for this and push a two for that kind of, um, system. We we're real people and we want to connect with real people. So if go to virtual, one of your opportunities is to talk to a real person, including Danica McIntyre, program manager and Danica, I really appreciate you spending a little bit of time with us sharing the, uh, sharing the cool stuff just around this networking stuff.

If there is a, a good place to get in touch with you. Is there a preferred way that someone connects to you? Is that through or?

[00:32:59] Danika McIntire: Absolutely. Yeah, that's a great way to, to get in touch with me. Um, yeah, LinkedIn as well. You know, I am available as long as it comes through, you know, that support Alias or, or through LinkedIn.

I can answer all of your, your questions, um, and we can talk, talk, hop a bit further if that's what you, if that's what you're looking for.

[00:33:20] Roger Courville, CSP: Awesome. Well, thank you so much Danica, and thank you again to our sponsor, which happens today to be us virtual, where you can instantly scale your virtual and event production team.

Welcome, uh, to our thank you for this time, uh, around, and we'll catch you on the next episode of Thought Leader Conversations.


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